Dominik 18th Nov (45 min)

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unwind / relax
A cup of tea in the evening helps me to unwind after work.
Poszliśmy na Stare Miasto.
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We went to the Old Town.
zdejmij buty
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take off your shoes
włóż czapkę
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put on your hat
Słucham cię teraz.
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I'm listening to you now.
oglądać coś / obserwować coś
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to watch sth / sb
Nie sądzę.
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I don't think so.
Nie jeździłem na rowerze.
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I didn't ride a bike.
To jest strata czasu.
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It's a waste of time.
To strata pieniędzy.
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It's a waste of money.
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I like tea, especially green tea.
współzawodniczyć / rywalizować
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to compete
The two athletes are competing for the gold medal.
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a competition
Nigdy nie wypiłbym tego.
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I would never drink this.
Nigdy nie uderzyłbym mojej mamy.
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I would never hit my mum.
adoptować (dziecko)
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to adopt (a child)
They have no children of their own, but they're hoping to adopt.
Uczę się angielskigo z tobą od pół roku.
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I've been learning English with you for half a year.
Uczę się angielskiego online od kwietnia.
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I've been learning English online since April.
kurs języka angielskiego
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an English course
Next year I'm going to do a course in creative writing.

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