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Domanda Risposta
the main character / the hero / the protagonist
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główny bohater / bohater
He has mixed feelings.
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Ma mieszane uczucia.
the score / notation
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untypical of somebody
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nietypowy dla kogoś
to call a friend
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zadzwonić do znajomego
to call for a doctor
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wezwać lekarza
a conductor
The orchestra played under the baton of an eminent conductor.
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Orkiestra grała pod batutą wybitnego dyrygenta.
an investigation/an inquiry (into)
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dochodzenie / śledztwo (w)
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krótki opis książki zamieszczony na tylnej okładce
to summarize
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to submit an article for publication
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wysłać artykuł do publikacji
you have to compete for it
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musisz o to walczyć
divided INTO 4 levels
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podzielony na 4 poziomy

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