Dominik 3rd Nov

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Domanda Risposta
W tym tygodniu nie chodzę do szkoły.
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I'm off school this week.
Nie pracuję w ten weekend.
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I'm off work this weekend.
święto państwowe
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a public holiday / a bank holiday
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a cemetery / a graveyard
Poszliśmy na cmentarz.
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We went to the cemetery.
Mam go na końcu języka.
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I have it on the tip of my tongue.
Poszedłem do babci.
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I went to my granny's.
przyjdź do nas (w odwiedziny)
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come over to ours
Nie nocowaliśmy u mojej babci.
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We didn't stay the night at my granny's.
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wysłać coś
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to ship sth
The company ships its goods all over the world.
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sztuczna choinka
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a fake Christmas tree
fałszywe pieniądze
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fake money
jest taki fałszywy
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he's so fake
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to fake
przestań udawać
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stop faking
Zrób to najlepiej, jak potrafisz.
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do your best
umówić się na wizytę u lekarza
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to make an appointment with a doctor
lekarz rodzinny
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a gp
załatwiać różne sprawy, zeby coś zorganizować
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to make arrangements
Święty Mikołaj
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Santa Claus
wykonywać obowiązki domowe
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to do chores
Nie zapomnij pozmywać naczyń.
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Don't forget to do the dishes.
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to clean up / to tidy up
zmywać naczynia
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to do the washing-up
robić pranie
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to do the washing
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to do the vacuuming
Kilka lat temu zrobiłem kurs języka rosyjskiego.
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I did a Russian course a few years ago.
dokonać zmiany
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to make a change
dokonywać wyboru
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to make a choice
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to choose - chose - chosen
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to make a comment
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narzekać na coś
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to complain about sth
Przestań narzekać na pogodę.
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Stop complaining about the weather.
złożyć skargę
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to make a complainT
rozwiązywać krzyżówkę
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to do a crossword
Mały chłopiec godzinami rysował.
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The little boy spent hours DOING a drawing.
The children were asked to MAKE a drawing of a dinosaur.
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to draw
to do a drawing / to make a drawing
napisać egzamin
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to do an exam
I have to do three exams and write a huge essay this term.
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an essay
semestr w szkole
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a term
w tym semestrze
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this term
w tym miesiącu
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this month
Codziennie ćwiczy.
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She does exercise every day. / She exercises every day.
Nauczyciel poprosił nas o zrobienie wielu ćwiczeń gramatycznych w czasie wakacji
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The teacher asked us to do a lot of grammar exercises over the holidays
umówić się z kimś na spotkanie
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to make a date wth sb
I'd love to see you soon. How about if we make a date for next week?

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