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Domanda English Risposta English
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will formally unveil his new cabinet at a ceremony at Rideau Hall Wednesday afternoon. The memorial to those who had died in the war was unveiled by the Queen.
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to remove a covering like a curtain from a new structure at a formal ceremony in order to show the opening or finishing of a new building or work of art.
Many more people died in the aftermath of the explosion.
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the period that follows an unpleasant event or accident, and the effects that it causes.
Rah-rah speech
He stepped up to the microphone and swung into his rah-rah speech.
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speech or behavior is enthusiastic and is intended to encourage someone such as a sports player or team.
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uncritically enthusiastic
A succession of scandals has undermined the government over the past year. Life was just an endless succession of parties and dinners. She had her first three children in rapid succession. This is the seventh year in succession that...
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a number of similar events or people that happen, exist, etc. after each other
She hopped nimbly over the fence. The industry must be prepared to think very nimbly. The ship was too large to move nimbly enough in storms. Her fingers worked nimbly as she sewed. Bradley walked nimbly along the mountain trail.
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in a way that is quick and exact either in movement or thoughts
Thirdly, the issue arises of connecting the community wireless network to the main internet, known as backhaul.
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a return load of cargo; cargo which is carried by a vehicle on its return journey; the concentration of data to a central site

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