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a mild course of an illness
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łagodny przebieg choroby
a severe course of an illness
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ciężki przebieg choroby
infectious disease
Infectious diseases are especially easy to spread, hence the need to vaccine.
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choroba zakaźna
Choroby zakaźne są szczególnie łatwe do rozprzestrzeniania, stąd potrzeba szczepienia.
side effects
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skutki uboczne
nothing on the shelves
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nic na półkach
to fidget on the chair
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wiercić się na krześle
the pioneering product
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pionierski produkt
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to meet somebody's expectations
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spełniać czyjeś oczekiwania
to do what we have planned in the schedule
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zrobić to, co zaplanowaliśmy w harmonogramie
an extension cord
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She doesn't have a job.
She doesn't work.
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Ona nie ma pracy.
Ona nie pracuje.
She hasn't worked for a year.
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Nie pracuje od roku.
an elderly lady
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starsza pani
She's blunt / direct.
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Jest bezpośrednia.
the middle child
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środkowym dzieckiem

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