Elissia Russo's mum's message

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trzymać coś
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to hold sth
I'm holding football boots.
mistrzostwa świata
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the Word Cup
wyjechać na/do + miejsce / wydarzenie
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to be off to + place / event
I can't believe you're off to your first senior World Cup.
Jakie to ekscytujące!
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How exciting!
wydaje się, że to było wczoraj
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it (only) seems like yesterday
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a three-year-old
spódniczka baletnicy
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a tutu
to dance in a tutu
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to dance (around)
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desperate to do sth
rzucać coś, przestawać coś robić
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to give sth up
You were desperate to give it all up so that you could join football coaching.
dołączyć do czegoś
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to join sth
szkolenie / trenowanie
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Nie mieliśmy pojęcia.
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We had no idea.
doprowadzić do czegoś
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to lead to sth
We had no idea it would lead to all this.
żyć jak w bajce
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to live the dream
With her own TV show and a flat in Paris, she is living the dream. (NiV)
błyszczeć / świecić
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to shine
You're shining like our little superstar.
Jesteśmy z ciebie tacy dumni.
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We are so proud of you.
Jesteś piękna w środku i na zewnątrz.
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You're lovely inside and out.
Nigdy się nie zmieniaj.
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Don't ever change.
Kocham cię bardziej.
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Love you more.

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