English for Presentations - Business English

 0    21 schede    VocApp
Domanda Risposta
Primero haré un breve resumen de la situación actual.
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First I'll give a brief overview of the current situation.
Me gustaría volver a la diapositiva anterior.
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I'd like to go back to the previous slide.
Hay algunas copias extra aquí si las quieres.
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There're some spare copies here if you want them.
En esta presentación me gustaría concetrarme en...
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In this presentation I'd like to focus on...
Me temo que el tiempo está corriendo...
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I'm afraid time is (running) short...
Gracias por escuchar.
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Thank you for listening.
Hablaré unos 25 minutos.
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I'll speak for 25 minutes.
+14 schede
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"Business English"
(Un totale di 1.027 schede)

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