Equivalence 20.03 ok + 27

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Domanda English Risposta English
Dictionary definition of equivalence
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the quality of state of being alike: the quality or state of having a similar value, function, meaning
Equivalence of two sentences
equivalence as an essential feature of translation theories
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1960s and 1970s - to indicate that ST and TT share the same kind of sameness
Equivalence is a procedure in which
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the same situation is replicated as in the original, but different wording is used.
Jean Paul Viney and Jean Darbelnet (1958)’ Comparative Stylistics of French and English; A Methodology for Translation’
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- A comparative stylistic analysis of different translation techniques and procedures - Direct (literal translation – word for word) - Oblique translation (free translation – cense for sense translation methods)
types of equivalence by Eugene Nida
'Toward a Science of translating', 'The Theory and Translation'
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formal equivalence & dynamic equivalence
formal equivalence
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word-for-word translation (translating the meanings of words and phrases in a more literal way)
dynamic equivalence
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sense-for-sense translation (translating the meanings of phrases or whole sentences) with readability in mind
To achieve the most faithful translation of grammatical units, the translator will translate:
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1- A noun into a noun & a verb into verb 2- Does not change sentence boundaries 3- Does not change paragraphs or the punctuation, etc
a dynamic equivalence requires adaptation of
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1. Grammar 2. Vocabulary 3. Cultural references
NIDA CONCLUSION: the product of translation process (the texting in the TL) must have
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same impact on the different readers it was addressing.
John Catford ‘A linguistic Theory of Translation’,1995
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• Introduction of types and shifts of translation
Catfords 3 criteria of considering translation:
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the extent of translation, the grammatical rank, the levels of language
1. The extent of translation
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full translation vs partial translation
2. The grammatical rank
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at which the translation equivalence is established (rank- bound translation vs unbounded translation)
3. The levels of language involved in translation
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total translation vs restricted translation
In rank bound translation an equivalent is
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sought in the TL, notion of literal translation or word for word translation
In unbounded translation equivalences are
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achieved at sentence, clause, and other levels
formal equivalence

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