Master 9

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Tim's PETTY revenge took the form of telling the boss about the personal phone calls his colleague had been making.----- Petty.
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Mezquino, malvado; insignificante.
Dining table.
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Comedor. (mesa para comer).
to toss a coin.
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Lanzar una moneda al aire.
The baby crawled across the floor...... crawl.
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A man SKULKED outside, avoiding eye contact with anyone who walked by. ------ skulk.
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Merodear, asechar.
Half the class is missing due to the current coronavirus outbreak....... outbreak.
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Half the class is missing due to the current coronavirus (- -).
The new WATERWORKS HARNESSED the power of the river to bring electricity to the town. ------ HARNESS — WATERWORKS.
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Aprovechar, emplear— Obras hidráulicas.
The new waterworks HARNESSED the power of the river to bring electricity to the town. ------- to HARNESS.
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Aprovechar, sacar provecho de. to use (something) for a particular purpose.
Engineers are finding new ways to "harness" the sun's energy to heat homes. ------- to HARNESS.
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Aprovechar, sacar provecho de. to use (something) for a particular purpose.
A family member predicted, "when grandpa dies, he'll die in harness. ------ IN HARNESS.
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Trabajar con ganas, En servicio, con las botas bien puestas.
We worked IN HARNESS on our last job. --------- IN HARNESS.
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Trabajar con ganas, En servicio, con las botas bien puestas.
After his illness he longed to get back IN HARNESS.
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Trabajar con ganas, En servicio, con las botas bien puestas.

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