Ewa 30th Nov (45 min)

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Pora wstawać!
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Rise and shine!
Czy jesteś pewna?
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Are you SURE?
Chodźmy do domu.
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Let's go home.
Do not say: go to home
próba przed występem
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a rehearsal
They didn't have time for a rehearsal before the performance.
dwudniowy workshop
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a two-day workshop
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a bbq
Let's have a bbq.
z jednej strony, ..., a z drugiej strony
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on the one hand, ..., on the other hand
I’d like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money.
do not say: from one side
pojechać pociągiem
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to go by train
I went to Warsaw by train.
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to finance / to fund
The city council has refused to finance the project.
(to jest) dużo zamieszania / zawracania głowy
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it's a lot of fuss
robić niepotrzebne zamieszanie
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to make a fuss about sth
po pierwsze
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There are three factors to take into account: firstly cost, secondly time, and thirdly staff.
I want two things from my boss - firstly, a pay rise, and secondly, a longer contract.
po drugie
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brać udział w czymś
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participate IN sth / to take part in sth
unikać czegoś / kogoś
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avoid sth / sb
szkoła średnia
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a high school
Nie jestem już z nim w kontakcie.
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I'm not in touch with him any more.
On jest w ósmej klasie.
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He's in year 8.
W kontakcie.
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Stay in touch. / Keep in touch.
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a town
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iść pieszo
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to go on foot
z tego co pamiętam
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as far as I remember
inne dzieci
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other childen
moje miasto rodzinne
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my hometown
wspomnienia z dzieciństwa
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childhood memories
prowadzić auto
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to drive - drove - driven
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a sled (US) / a sledge (UK)
to go sledging
pojechać na narty
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to go skiing
narciarstwo biegowe
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cross-country skiing
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a forest ranger / a forester
ksywa / przezwisko
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a nickname

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