Ewa D. 6th July (45 min)

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Zacznijmy, ok?
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Let's start, SHALL WE?
Spotkajmy się w piątek wieczorem, OK?
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Let's meet on Friday evening, OK?
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What's for lunch today?
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What do you want for dinner tonight?
Co było najlepszym momentem twojego weekendu?
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What was the highlight of your weekend?
Trzymam kciuki.
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Fingers crossed.
to wszystko
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that's all / that's it
Ona mieszka na Utracie.
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She lives ON Utrata St.
Mieszkam na ul. Jesionowej 1.
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I live at 1 Jesionowa Street.
Było 25 osób.
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There WERE 25 people.
kwiatki (doniczkowe)
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drewniany stół
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a wooden table
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a sofa
jeździć na rowerze
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to cycle
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blisko Suwałk
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near Suwalki / close to Suwalki
Zjadłam kilka pierogów.
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I had a few dumplings.
kawałek czekolady
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a piece of chocolate
Jem dwa kawałki czekolady dziennie.
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I eat two pieces of chocolate a day.
pokój (na ziemi)
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żwirowa droga
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a gravel road
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a challenge
chwalić kogoś
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to praise sb
inni ludzie
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other people
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more often
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to comprehend
I'll never comprehend why she did what she did.

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