February 22 2023 group B

 0    27 schede    shennashambira
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Domanda Risposta
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I paid my money in installments
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we shared the bottles equally
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unfair treatment at work
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I trust in my capability
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Lies dangerous
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dishonest people are not good people
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I accepted the truth
wyciągnąć wniosek
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I concluded the story
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you owe me money
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we have several windows in this room
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my child is a reflection of me
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I doubled the money
gracz zespołowy
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teamwork is always the best
płaca minimalna
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minimum wage
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maximum wage.
miejsce pracy
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my workplace gets busy
dlaczego chcesz tą pracę
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why do you want this job?
czy masz kwalifikacje
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do you have qualifications
Startuję, aby mieć kwalifikacje
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I am studying so that I can have qualifications
Dostanę dyplom tego lata
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I will get a diploma this summer
Skończę studia latem tego roku
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I will graduate this summer
Potrzebuję szybszego komputera.
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I need a faster computer.
Chcę, aby moje wyniki w pracy były lepsze
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I want my performance at work to be better.
mój mąż ma zapłacić za jedzenie w tym miesiącu.
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my husband is going to pay for the food this month.
Jestem podekscytowany, kiedy idę do pracy.
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I am excited when I go to work.
ponieważ uwielbiam swój zawód
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because I adore my profession
Spędziłem parę godzin w pracy
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I spent a couple of hours at work

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