Feelings party

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Domanda English Risposta English
laugh very hard
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in stitches
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being in floods of tears, owing to a very bad situation (llorar deconsoladamente)
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in bits
burst (=estallar) of food (estar lleno o cuando se rellena comida (pollo))
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cannot sleep (dar vueltas en la cama)
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tossing and turning
out of controll (carazy)
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off his head
do not accomplish the expenctations
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live up to the hype
superado/ abrumado
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start to cry heavely
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burst into tears
go through a bad experiences
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She's been through a lot recently
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pull yurself together
superar con facilidad
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get over it pretty quickly
arrogante/ stupid confident
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full of himself
hablando de...
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talking about/of smth
she leads to step on her partner's toes
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I 'am still a bit prone to treading on toes
everything is organized
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It's all in hand
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switch off
I understand what you are telling me (cuentamelo a mi!)
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Tell me about it
Gracias por estar encima de todo
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Thanks for being so on top of things
to suddenly start laughing or crying very laud
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burst out something
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(futboll) squad (the whole team not only the 11 players)
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to vrged
llevar a cabo
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carry out smth on...
busqueda para capturar a alguien
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hablando del rey de roma
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talking of the devil

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