férias e lazer e passatempo

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play volleyball
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jogar vôlei
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os espetáculos
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renew passport
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renovar o passaporte
go on a cruise
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fazer um cruzeiro
cancel trip
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desmarcar viagem
book hotel
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reservar hotel
book trips
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marcar viagens
organize excursions
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organizar excursões
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tomar sol
I'm watching television
estar + gerúndio
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eu estou assistindo à televisão
The football champion is in town.
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o campeão
os campeões
O campeão de futebol está na cidade.
play sports
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praticar esporte
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to camp
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watch the concert
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assistir o concerto
they can have fun
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eles podem se divirtir
spend time in the water
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passar o tempo dentro de água
a hotel with full catering (board)
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um hotel com pensão completa
make a snowman
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fazer boneco de neve
I made a drawing.
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o desenho
Fiz um desenho.
others are big fans
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outras são grandes aficionadas
I need some rest.
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o descanso
Preciso de descanso.
extremal sport
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esporte radical
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the waltz
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a valsa
go camping
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fazer campismo
check in
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faz o check-in
pack a suitcase
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faz a mala
the departure is on the 15th
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a partida é no dia 15
the beach towel
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a toalha de praia
a five star hotel
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um hotel com cinco estrelas
the hotels are already starting to fill up
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os hotéis já começam ficar cheios
I missed my flight.
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o voo
Perdi o meu voo.
there is only seat on the 6am flight
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só há lugar no voo das 6h
the suitcase with wheels
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a mala com rodas
there were no delays
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não houve atrasos
the guitar
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o violão
the guitar
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a guitarra
board game
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jogo de tabuleiro
the camcorder
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a filmadora
the violin
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o violino
the play
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a peça de teatro
the tickets are sold out
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os ingressos estão esgotados
The band will perform at the bar.
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a banda
A banda vai atuar no bar.
the drum
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o tambor
heavy exercises
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exercícios pesados
fire pit
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The stage
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o palco
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the skates
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as patins
the journey
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a jornada
marathon the series
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maratonar as séries
Bing watching
the episode
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o episódio
social media
take advantage of free time to catch up on reading, without the distractions of social media
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redes sociais
aproveite o tempo livre para colocar a leitura em dia, sem as distrações das redes sociais
take a nap
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tirar um cochilo
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the fan
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o fã
horror movies
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filmes de terror
the comedy
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a comédia
ambitious films
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filmos ambiciosos
the atypical series
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a série atípica
alternate reality
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realidade alternativa
the race
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a corrida
the premiere
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a estreia
special effects
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efeitos especiais
the big screen
I switched the films. I had to see it on a big screen.
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o telão
Eu troquei os filmes, eu fui assistir em um telão...
the documentary film
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o documentário
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movie scene
The last scene of the movie was very sad.
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a cena do filme
A última cena do filme foi muito triste.
the scenes to fill action
sceny uzupełniające
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as cenas para encher linguiça
the sequel
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a sequência
is considered by critics...
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é considerado pelos críticos...
the main character of the movie
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o personagem principal do filme
the series are better with every season
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as séries são melhores com a cada temporada
the movie that is dubbed
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o filme que seja dublado
music genres
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gêneros de música
the drum
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o tambor

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