first-time buyer

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Domanda English Risposta English
Good deal
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Cost less than expected; reasonable cost
i went to the new hair salon and got a good deal on a haircut
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Amount of money a person wants to pay or receive for something
Pretty well, pretty much
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around, about
I have a contract with my employer
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written or spoken agreement
fine print
we thought we could get our money back when the refrigerator broke but we didn’t read the fine print on the owner’s manual
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details extra fees or conditions small writing on a contract
Take the plunge
We have decided to take the plunge and get married
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Try something new, take a risk
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Think that motivate or encourage one to do something
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Money paid to live or work In a building without owning it
If you don’t pay the mortgage the bank can repossess your house
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Loan to buy property
kara’s job Is really fulfilling. She helps homeless people find apartments and jobs. It makes her feel good.
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is satisfy my curiosity
agree to something less than what one wants
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I wanted a new couch but I had to settle for getting our old couch cleaned

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