Fisher, Aron and Brown (2005)

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Domanda English Risposta English
Fisher, Aron and Brown (2005)
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dopamine and romantic love
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To investigate neural mechanisms of romantic love.
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17 participants who where "intensely in love" with someone, mean age 21, mean duration of BIL 7 months
Method and design
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Experiment; repeated measures design
Procedure 1/2
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Participants were placed in fMRI scanner and went through following four steps (repeated 6 times)
Procedure 2/2
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1. viewing photo of loved person 2. filler activity 3. viewing photo of emotionally neutral acquaintence 4. filler activity Brain responses to first and third step were compered.
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There was specific pattern of activation in the brain in response to the photographs of the loved ones. Especially significant in dopamine-rich areas brain areas.

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