food 2

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Zamówiliście już coś?
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to order
Have you ordered anything yet?
Zamówiliście już coś?
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Have you ordered anything yet? Have you. ordered. anything. yet?
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book. book. book. book.
zarezerwować stolik
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to book a table. to book a table. to book a table.
zarezerwować bilet.
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Reserve a ticket. Reserve a ticket. Reserve a ticket.
zarezerwować stolik na dzisiaj wieczór
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book a table for tonight. book a table. for tonight. book a table for tonight.
Czy mogę zarezerwować stolik?
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Can I book a table? Can. I book. a table? Can I book a table?
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I would like. I would like. I would like.
chciałbym coś do picia.
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I'd like something to drink. I would. like. something. to drink. I'd like something to drink.
chciałbym coś do jedzenia.
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I would like something to eat. I would like something to eat. I'd like. eat.
co chciałbyś?
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what would you like? what would you like? what would you like?
co chciałbyś zjeść?
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what would you like to eat? what would you like to eat? what would you like to eat? what. would. you. like. to eat?.
co chciałbyś na danie główne.
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what. would. you like. for. the. main course.
danie główne.
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main course. main course. main course.
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dessert. dessert. dessert. dessert.
Czy chciałby pan coś na deser?
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Would you like something for dessert? Would. you. like. something. for. dessert?
czy mogę prosić
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can i have. can i have. can i have.
czy mogę prosić o szklankę soku.
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can I have a glass of juice please. can I have a glass of juice please. can. I have. a glass.of. juice please.
czy mogę prosić o klucz.
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can I have a key please. can I have a key please. can I have a key please.
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spoon. spoon. spoon. spoon.
łyżeczka do herbaty.
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teaspoon. teaspoon. teaspoon. teaspoon.
czy mogę prosić o nóż.
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can I have a knife please. can I have a knife please. can I have a knife please.
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knife, knife, knife,
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fork. fork. fork. fork.
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use. use. use. use.
czy używasz widelca?
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are you using a forksztućce
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cutlery. cutlery. cutlery.
użyj sztućców.
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use cutlery. use cutlery. use cutlery.
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napkin. napkin. napkin. napkin.
puree ziemniaczane
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mashed potato. mashed potato. mashed potato.
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salad. salad. salad. salad.
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beverages. beverages. beverages. drinks.
Czy macie jakieś zimne napoje?
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Do you have any cold drinks? Do you have any cold drinks? Do you have any cold drinks?
czy macie dania dziecięce?
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do you have children's meals? do you have children's meals? do you have children's meals?
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meal. meal. meal. meal.
wezmę to.
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I'll take it. I'll take it. I'll take it. I'll take it.
Wezmę sałatkę i sok pomidorowy.
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I'll take the salad and tomato juice. I will. take. the salad and tomato juice.
czy mogę prosić o rachunek.
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Can I have the bill, please. Can I have the bill, please. Can I have the bill, please. Can. I have. the. bill., please.
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recommend. recommend. recommend. recommend.
CO pan poleca?
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What do you recommend? What do you recWhat do you recommend? What do you recommend? ommend?
zaraz zacznę jeść.
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I'll start eating soon. I'll start eating soon. I'll start eating soon. I'll start eating soon.
jeść na miejscu.
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to eat-in. to eat-in. to eat-in. to eat-in.
jeść na wynos.
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eat takeaway. eat takeaway. to go. to go. eat takeaway.
czy można to zamówić na wynos?
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can it be ordered to go? can it be ordered to go? can it be ordered to go?
czy chciałaby pani teraz zamówić/.
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would you like to order now /. would you like to order now /. would you like to order now /.
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menu. menu. menu.
czy mogę prosić menu?
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Can i have a menu? Can i have a menu? Can i have a menu?
oczywiście, proszę się nie spieszyć.
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of course, please take your time. of course, please take your time.
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suggestion. suggestion. suggestion.
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delicious. delicious. delicious. delicious.
bez smaku,
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tasteless, tasteless, tasteless,
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spicy. spicy. spicy.
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spicy. spicy. spicy.
chce mi się pić.
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I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty.
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Favourite. Favourite. Favourite.
do widzenia.
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goodbye. goodbye. goodbye.

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