Forbidden nights

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Jestem chłopcem z Londynu.
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I'm a London boy.
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Dlaczego on w dalszym ciągu ma na sobie spodnie?
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Why are his trousers still on?
przebiegły / chytry
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He's a crafty old devil. (NiV)
mądry / mądre
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It was so clever.
oszukać kogoś
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to fool sb
You actually have me fooled.
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to perform
Where do you normally perform?
występować na scenie
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to gig / to have a gig
We were gigging two or three nights a week. (NiV)
Where do you normally gig?
Dobra robota.
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Good stuff.
Zdejjmij ubrania!
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(Take your) Clothes off!
zdjąć ubrania
włożyć ubranie
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to take your clothes off
to put your clothes on
I'm not sure if you really want me to take my clothes off.
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to vote / to take a vote
wymykać się spod kontroli
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to get out of hand
Things got a little out of hand at the party and three windows were broken. (NiV)
Waham się. / Jestem niezdecydowany.
dosłownie: jestem na płocie.
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I'm on the fence.
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It's a juicy YES from me.
zakazany owoc
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He was always drawn to other men's wives - the forbidden fruit.
forbidden fruit

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