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RSVP in inglese
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etiquette in inglese
CERN, The European Organization for Nuclear Research
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CERN, The European Organization for Nucl in inglese
Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire
... (literally “I don't know what”); "something" ("to coś")
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... (literally “I don't know what”); "so in inglese
je ne sais quoi
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perfume in inglese
eau de toilette
in (a) natural (condition). For objects, it means they have not been altered.
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in (a) natural (condition). For objects, in inglese
au naturel
unlimited discretionary power to act; unrestricted authority
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unlimited discretionary power to act; un in inglese
carte blanche
a military take - over
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a military take - over in inglese
coup d’état
The best of the best, used to describe highly skilled people or objects.
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The best of the best, used to describe h in inglese
crème de la crème
That weird feeling you get when you’re sure something has already happened.
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That weird feeling you get when you’re s in inglese
Déjà vu
A figure of speech in which a word can be taken to have two meanings often leading to sexual innuendo. Most British jokes centre around it.
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A figure of speech in which a word can b in inglese
double entendre
On the way – said while travelling to a place
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On the way – said while travelling to a  in inglese
en route
Moving in a mass or group, all together.
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Moving in a mass or group, all together. in inglese
en masse
A bathroom attached directly to a bedroom.
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A bathroom attached directly to a bedroo in inglese
en suite
"Spirit of the body": a feeling of solidarity among members of a group.
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"Spirit of the body": a feeling of solid in inglese
esprit de corps
A social gaffe when you do something that goes against accepted, though usually unwritten, social rules.
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A social gaffe when you do something tha in inglese
faux pas
"Deadly woman": an attractive woman who seduces and takes advantage of men for her personal goals.
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"Deadly woman": an attractive woman who  in inglese
femme fatale
"High cooking": the very best form of cooking.
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"High cooking": the very best form of co in inglese
haute cuisine
"In place (of)". Something was done instead of something else.
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"In place (of)". Something was done inst in inglese
in lieu (of)
"Joy of living": a feeling people have when they are living life to the full and are generally optimistic about it.
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"Joy of living": a feeling people have w in inglese
joie de vivre
The best and final thing in a long list of achievements which is better than anything which has happened before. Often used in cooking, for example, just before revealing the dessert.
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The best and final thing in a long list  in inglese
pièce de résistance
"Reason for being": justification or purpose of existence.
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"Reason for being": justification or pur in inglese
raison d'être
"Head to head"; an intimate get-together or private conversation between two people. (Rozmowa w cztery oczy).
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"Head to head"; an intimate get-together in inglese

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