Friends s01e13

 0    23 schede    arturmalagowski
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to barge in
You just barge in here.
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wtargnąć, wpraszać się, przyłazić
open weave
It's a relatively open weave.
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luźny splot, luźna faktura (np. materiału)
a shrink
And for a shrink, he's not too shrinky.
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Parents divorced before you hit puberty.
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okres dojrzewania
to haul
We'll be late if you don't haul your ass.
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holować, ciągnąć
Spóźnimy się, jeżeli nie ruszysz dupy.
a mortician
She's a pet mortician.
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właściciel zakładu pogrzebowego
tit for tat
Come on. He's right. Tit for tat.
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wet za wet
I don't know. Maybe low self-esteem.
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poczucie własnej wartości
to overshadow sb/sth
Maybe to compensate for overshadowing a sibling.
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górować, usuwać w cień
It's conceivable that you wanted to sabotage your marriage, so that the sibling would feel like less of the failure in the eyes of the parents.
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to wobble
The table wobbles a little.
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kołysać się
an embolism
Joey's having an embolism.
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to pass on
Most people when their pets pass on they want them sorta laid out like they're sleeping.
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odejść (umrzeć)
to laid out
Most people when their pets pass on they want them sorta laid out like they're sleeping.
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układać ciało do pochówku
on top of sb
I'm always seeing girls on top of girls.
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tuż przy kimś
Are they end-to-end or tall like a pancakes?
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jeden przy drugim, na styk, zderzak w zderzak
a guts
I believe you will have the courage and the guts to say: "No thanks".
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odwaga, determinacja
Kathleen is a very perceptive woman. She understands situations immediately and knows how others might be feeling.
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spostrzegawczy, wnikliwy
Kathleen to bardzo spostrzegawcza kobieta. Od razu wczuwa się w sytuację i wie, jak mogą czuć się inne osoby.
an accountant
I'm sleeping over at my accountant's.
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a stuffer
Ever sine that poodle stuffer came along he's been so ashamed of himself.
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The children were very attentive when the policeman came in to speak to their class about his job.
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uważny, troszczący się
Dzieci były bardzo uważne, kiedy policjant przyszedł opowiedzieć klasie o swojej pracy.
to stunt
This emotionally stunted, sitting in your stupid coffee house man.
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a restraining order
He's got a restraining order.
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sądowy zakaz zbliżania się do kogoś

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