From Here to Eternity

 0    23 schede    rmcclenaghan16
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Domanda Risposta
set off
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put off
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fend off
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wear off
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crossed off
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shrugged off
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a new lease on life
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nowa dzierżawa życia
shelf life
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okres trwałości
breathe life into sth
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tchnij życie w coś
every walk of life
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wszystkich dziedzinach życia
living a charmed life
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żyć w czarującym życiu
prime of life
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premier życia
the milestones of life
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kamienie milowe życia
a matter of life and death
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sprawa życia i śmierci
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brush off
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spławiać kogoś
call off a meeting
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odwołać spotkanie
cut off from
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odcięte od
ease off -slow down
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uspokój się - spadaj
fight off
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laugh off
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obrócić w żart
make off with something
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porywać coś/kraść coś i uciekać
warn off
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