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skok, leap
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jump, leap
ludzkość, mankind, ludzkość i jej odkrycia, The 48
old German rocket scientist would finally build a spacecraft that would launch mankind to the stars.
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historyk, historian, think of your definition, A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past
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historian, historian, think of your definition, A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past
pozostawać, remain, Think of how to use that!, Most commentators expect the basic rate of tax to remain at 25 percent) He remained silent It remains a secret
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remain, remain, think about how to use that!, Most commentators expect the basic rate of tax to remain at 25 percent)
współczesny, modern
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contemporary, modern
to reveal, wyjawiać
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to reveal, reveal
commitment, zobowiązanie
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commitment, commitment
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top bus, autobus bez dachu
win the hearts of many people, zdobyć serca wielu ludzi
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win the hearts of many people, win the hearts of many people
earn your own place in, zdobyć swoje miejsce w
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earn your own place in, get your place in
raw emotions, surowe/zimne emocje
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raw emotions, raw / cold emotions

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