getting advice

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dlaczego nie
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why dont you
gdybym był tobą
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if i were you
lepiej żebyś
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you'd better
Sugeruje Ci
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i suggest you
dobrym pomysłem byłoby
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it would be a good idea to
tak, to dobry pomysł
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yes, that's a good idea
to ciekawa myśl
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it's an interesting thought
trafne spostrzeżenie
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that's a good point
brzmi jak dobry pomysł
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sounds like a good idea
nie jestem tego pewien bo
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i'm not sure about this because
to dobry pomysł, ale
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it's good idea but
może się udać, ale
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it might work, but
nie jestem za tym
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i'm not in favor of it
nie, to nie wchodzi w grę
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no, that's out of the question

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