Give English medical terms for the following patients’ complaints and descriptions and of their problems

 0    20 schede    angelikawojewodzka
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Domanda English Risposta English
I’ve been feeling dizzy, doctor
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vertigo (zawroty głowy)
Pardon? I can’t hear you. Can you speak up, please.
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I‘ve got a squint.
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strabismus (zez)
See, my ankles are swollen.
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oedema (obrzęk)
I’m often short of breath when I overdo things
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dyspnoea at exertion (duszność wysiłkowa)
Now I’m breathless even when I sit and do nothing.
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dyspnoea on rest (duszność w spoczynku)
I sleep on four pillows.
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orthopnoea (duszność w poz. leżącej)
I often have loose watery stools
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We are all shortsighted
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myopia (krótkowzroczność)
My nose is running.
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rhinorrhoea (nieżyt nosa)
I often get nosebleeds
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epistaxis (krwawienia z nosa)
I’ve got this cold sore for two days now.
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herpes simplex (opryszczka zwykła)
I get that ringing in my ears.
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tinnitus (szum uszny)
My wife says I’ve got this awful stare.
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exophthalmos (wytrzeszcz oczny)
My right ear is running
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otorrhoea (wysięk z ucha)
My name? My family? I don’t remember anything.
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I’m all nerves! I feel upset!
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I feel sick
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I keep throwing thing up
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I often get pins and needles in my feet.
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paraesthesia (parastezja)

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