Glossarty II; Page 1

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Domanda English Risposta English
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is the process of increasing in amount or quantity, little by little.
An allowance
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is the share or portion of something that is allowed or permitted.
Arm's reach
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is the distance that can be covered within the range of a person's arm movement without rest of body. Arm's reach
An arrival rate
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is the average number of shipments that are delivered within a given time period. An arrival rate
An assembly line
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is a system of machines, workers, and equipment that allow product under construction to go from one operation to another, down a line, until the product is completely assembled. An assembly line
Automated storage and retrieval storages
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is a computer-controlled system that automatically places and takes items from specific storage locations.
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is the automatic control of a device, process or system, using mechanical or electronic tools which take the place of human labor. Automation
A basket
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- is a lightweight wooden container.
A bin
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is a box or some other lidded container, used for storage. A bin
A bottleneck
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is something that slows down or stops the progress or flow of materials. A bottleneck
A box
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is a stiff, rectangular container, usually made of cardboard, that is used for shipping and storage.
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if items are bulk, they are massed together in a large group or amount.
By hand
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If a task is completed by hand, it is done without the aid of mechanical tools. By hand
A cabinet
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is a storage case with doors and shelves. A cabinet
A calendar
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is a table, organized to cover one year, that shows the days of the week, the dates on which those days fall, and how many days are within each month.
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is the maximum amount or number that a unit can hold. Capacity
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includes all freight that is transferred by motor vehicle, ship, or train.
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is a small-wheeled vehicle used for moving materials from one part of a space to another. Cart
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is a box or container, usually made of ridged cardboard, which is used for storage. Carton
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is the practice of taking care avoid risk or damage. Caution
Central storage
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is a high-level inventory control system that unites storage items into one or a few, large areas.
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if something is centralized, all activity is focused around a center. Centralized
A charter
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is a commercial lease contract for an aircraft or other vehicle, used for the transfer of passengers or goods.
A chute
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is a sloped channel through which materials travel. A chute
A cold chain
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is a temperature-controlled supply chain that is used for the transfer of perishable items, such as fruits and vegetables, seafood, frozen foods, chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs. A cold chain
Combined pick and deliver
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refers to a system where one handler gathers materials from storage and delivers them to the destination. Combined pick and deliver
Complex equipment
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is costly to buy and own, but inexpensive to operate because it is largely automated, requiring less in labor costs. Complex equipment
Complex handling
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If equipment is complex handling, it is used for short distances and high quantities or intensity. Complex handling

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