Guardians of the Right Whales

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Domanda Risposta
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a whale
obrońca, opiekun
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a guardian
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gatunek (zwierząt / roślin)
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a species
wieloryb właściwy
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a right whale*
zagrażać komuś
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to threaten sb
być zagrożonym przez coś / kogoś
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to be threatened by sth/sb
Right whales are the most threatened by collisions with ships.
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a collision
Stewart was injured in a collision with another player. (NiV)
oplątać, oplątywać, okręcić, złapać
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to entangle sb/sth
The bird had become entangled in the wire netting. (NiV)
be/become entangled (in/with something)
sprzęt wędkarski
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fishing gear
od 2017
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since 2017
schemat / wzór
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a pattern
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pokrywać się, być zbieżnym
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to coincide with sth
szlak wodny, szlak żeglugowy
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a shipping lane
łówny port
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a major port
zwiększyć coś
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to increase sth
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to increase protection
zmnieszyć / zredukować
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to reduce sth
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to reduce/minimize the impact of something
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a strike
ship strikes
zaplątanie (np. w sieci rybackiej)
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entanglement in sth
siedlisko, środowisko życia
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a habitat
The panda's natural habitat is the bamboo forest. (NiV)

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