holiday activites

 0    16 schede    teresajamka2
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Domanda Risposta
sklep dla pamiątek
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shop for souvenirs
zwiedzać okolice
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explore the area
uprawiać sporty wodne
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do water sports
pytać o kierunek
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ask for directions
odpoczywać przy basenie
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resting by the pool
iść według mapy
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follow the map
jadać na mieście
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eat out
rozbić namiot
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put a tent up
iść pozwiedzać/zwiedzać
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go sightseeing
poznać miejscową ludność
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get to know the local people
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i'd rather
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I'd prefer to
speak for yourself
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that's your opinion
by the way
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in addition
we are off
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we're going to live
get a move on
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hurry up

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