How does Vocapp® work?

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Domanda English Risposta English
Welcome to the Vocapp mobile!
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You’ll learn how the app works from the following screens.
Vocapp allows you to study using flashcards.
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Flashcards are grouped into lessons, lessons are grouped into courses.
What is a flashcard?
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A flashcard is small two-sided sheet of paper.
On the one side there is a question, on the other - the answer.
What is a lesson?
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A lesson is a set of flashcards on a certain topic.
For example, fruit.
What is a course?
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A course is a collection of lessons.
For example, English A1 level.
Do I need to have an Internet connection to use Vocapp?
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Yes, you have to be connected to the Internet.
Learning without the access to the Internet will be possible in one of the upcoming versions.
Do I need to register?
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No, if you already have an account on vocapp. net.
You may also try the application out without registering, but some features will not be available to you.

Vedi schede correlate:

Create flashcards

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