I Walked Around The World

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w wieku 17 lat
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AT 17
At 17 I had a very close friend who...
bliski przyjaciel
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a close friend
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to pass away / to die
My friend passed away.
obudzenie / przebudzenie / uświadomienie (np. sytuacji, problemu)
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an awakening
zdać sobie sprawę z czegoś
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to realise sth
I realised I was going to die.
żyć pełnią życia
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to live a full life
I want to live a full life. (NiV)
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to walk
He always walks to school.(NiV)
dookoła świata
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around the world
I'm walking around the world.
pchać sth
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to push sth
wózek dziecięcy
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a baby carriage
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I push a baby carriage with all my stuff in it.
do not confuse stuff with staff
funt (jednostka wagi)
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a pound
He weighs 150 pounds. (NiV)
454 grams
para butów
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a pair of shoes
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a beast
patrzeć na coś / kogoś pod różnym kątem
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to look at sb/sth from different angles
Try looking at the problem from another angle. (NiV)
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działać / postępować
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to act
We need to act quickly. (NiV)
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to avoid
w zgodzie (z czymś/z kimś)
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to be at peace with sth / sb
He says he's at peace when he's walking in the mountains. (NiV)

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