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This computer system is ... in terms of cost and performance
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Be ahead of the pack
ohn should get the job—he's ........ all the other applicants.
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Head and shoulders above
The News manager inspires me because she...
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Lead by example
I am tired I do not have any...
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Get up and go
There will be stops, to enable you to stretch your legs, ... to eat or use the restroom
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Grab a bite
He needs training, he is...
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She thinks it will solve the problem, but in my opinion she is...
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Barking up the wrong tree
well, we did a lot tasks, let's...
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Call it a day
She needs to make a decision, she can't keep...
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Sit on the fence
to pretend that you are less interested in someone than you really are
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Play hard to get
Doing vary well in his job
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Be on fire
Some guy ... on me while I was standing at the bar.
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To hit on somebody
I need to wake up early. So will...
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Hit the sack
starting to feel confident
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to Find one's feet
I am decided, I go...
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Come rain or shine
sorry For that, I...
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Screw up
Mary is ... on football. She never misses a game.
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hooked on
She is so happy, she probably is ... someone
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Seeing someone
I'll listen to what she has to say but ......, it's my decision.
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At the end of the day
I have nothing to say, this was my...
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My two cents
alter facts or figures dishonestly or illegally
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To cook the books
If you give her a birthday card and nothing else, you'll be in the...
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To be in the doghouse
I was going to go bungee jumping, but I... out
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To chicken out
Now, just hold your ... and let me explain.
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hold one’s horses
they needed to learn the business from the...
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From the ground up
An expression or gesture of praise or approval
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Give someone a pat on the back
learn how a particular task or job is done
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to learn de ropes
Amy and I grew up ... from each other and have been best friends
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Down the street
He's nevergoing to get that finished in a...
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Never in a month of Sundays
just in time
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In the nick of time
Her fur coat makes me...
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green with envy
good luck
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Break a leg
to try to do something that is too
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Bite of more than you can chew
not to interpret something literally
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Take something with a grain of salt
she ..., refusing to let him intimidate her
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stand one's ground
when Arthur said that Donna couldn't be trusted, he really ...(correct)
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Hit the nail on the head
problem that remains hidden
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The tip of the iceberg
an apparent misfortune that eventually has good results.
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A blessing in disguise

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