idiomy 4

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Raz kozie śmierć
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you only die once
czas leczy rany
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time heals all wounds
Nie dogaduje się z nią
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I don't see eye to eye with her
opadła mi szczęka
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my jaw dropped
upieczemy dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
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we will kill two birds with one stone
postawilam na swoim
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I put my foot down
strata czasu
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it's like flogging a dead horse
zyskamy na czasie
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we will buy us a bit more time
Muszę zacisnąć pasa
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I gotta tighten my belt
mam swoje wzloty i upadki
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I have my ups and downs
to kropla w morzu
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it's a drop in the ocean
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done and dusted
Mam to na końcu języka
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I have it on the tip of my tongue
z otwartymi ramionami
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with open arms
nie oceniaj pochopnie
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don't judge a book by its cover
dotarlo do mnie ze
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it hit home
co z oczu to z serca
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out of sight out of mind
to moja chluba
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that is my pride and joy
w skrócie
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in a nutshell
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hold your horses
wbrew wszelkim przeciwnościom
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against all odds
jaki pan taki kram
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like master like man
ledwo wiążemy koniec z końcem
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we barely make ends meet
musisz dobrze to rozegrać
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you have to play your cards right
trzyma go krotko
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she keeps him on a short leash
nie przeszkadzaj mi teraz
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don't bother me now
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rack your brain
to błahostka
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it is small beer
Nie bierz tego na powaznie
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take it with a pinch of salt
to delikatna sprawa
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it is a delikate dance

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