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at the eleventh hour
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the last possible moment for doing something
every now and then
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from time to time, occasionally
it's high time
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it's long overdue
once in a blue moon
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very rarely
in the nick of time
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at the last possible moment
in no time
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immediately, instantly
in the long run
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in the end, in the final result
on the double
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very quickly
for the time being
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for now
out of the blue
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slipped my mind
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escaped my memory, I forgot (it)
I have lost my train of thought
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I forgot the idea I was talking about
can't make head nor tail of it
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can't understand
on the tip of my tongue
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something I can ALMOST remember
caught between two stools
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finding it difficult to choose between two alternatives
it beats me
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I can't understand it
I haven't a clue
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I have absolutely no idea
I have been racking my brains
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i have been thinking hard
are over my head
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are too difficult for me
couldn't get a word in edgeways
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had no chance to say anything (cause sb keeps talking)

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