Idiomy z wyjaśnieniami

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Domanda English Risposta English
Break a leg
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good luck, used before a performance
A picture is worth a thousand words
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a visual image conveys more than a large amount of spoken or written words
Barking up the wrong tree
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pursuing a mistaken or misguided course of action
In the heat of the moment
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during a time of strong emotion or excitement
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
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having something that is certain is more valuable than the possibility of something better
Bite off more than you can chew
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take on more responsibilities than one can handle
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
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a group or organization can only be as strong as its weakest member
A blessing in disguise
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a good thing that initially appeared to be bad
A chip on your shoulder
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an attitude of resentment or defiance
A dime a dozen
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very common and of little value
Cry over spilled milk
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to complain or be upset about something that cannot be changed
Cut to the chase
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to get straight to the point
A drop in the bucket
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a small, insignificant amount compared to the whole
A face that only a mother could love
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an unattractive person
A fish out of water
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a person who is in an unfamiliar situation
A flash in the pan
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something that starts with great excitement but quickly fades
A furrowed brow
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a worried or concerned expression
Get cold feet
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to become afraid or uncertain
Get your ducks in a row
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to get organized and prepared
Give someone the cold shoulder
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to ignore or snub someone
A greased lightning
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something that is fast
A hair of the dog that bit you
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drinking more alcohol to cure a hangover
A hard nut to crack
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a difficult problem to solve
A hard pill to swallow
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a difficult truth to accept
A heaping helping
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a large amount of something
A hog wild
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very excited or enthusiastic
A house divided against itself cannot stand
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a group or organization that is divided will fail
A jack of all trades, master of none
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someone who is competent in many skills but excels in none
A jump start
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to start something quickly or with a burst of energy
A kick in the pants
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motivation to do something
A knot in your stomach
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a feeling of anxiety or nervousness
A labour of love
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something that is done with great effort but with joy or affection
A leap of faith
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a decision made without all the necessary information
Let the cat out of the bag
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to reveal a secret
A little bird told me
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a way of saying that one heard something from an unnamed source
A loose cannon
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a person who is unpredictable and may cause harm
A man for all seasons
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a person who is versatile and adaptable to different situations
A monkey on your back
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a persistent problem or addiction
A needle in a haystack
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something that is difficult to find
A new lease on life
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a fresh start or new beginning
A penny for your thoughts
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a request to know what someone is thinking
A picture perfect
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something that is perfect in every detail
A rough road ahead
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a difficult or challenging situation to come
A run for your money
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to get your money's worth
A shot in the arm
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a boost of energy or motivation
A six of one, half a dozen of the other
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a situation where there are two equally good options
A snake in the grass
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a treacherous or sneaky person
A square peg in a round hole
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a person who does not fit in with their surroundings
A storm in a teacup
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a minor issue that is being exaggerated
A taste of your own medicine
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to receive the same treatment that one has given to others.

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