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przejść komuś przez myśl
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cross one's mind
Has it never crossed your mind to knock instead of barging in?; barge in = włazić
tak naprawdę, w rzeczywistości
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at bottom
I think at bottom, she has fundamental lack of self-respect, and that is played out through her subservience; played out through her subservience = wyraża się w jej uległości
w gruncie rzeczy, ostatecznie
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at the end of the day
At the end of the day it's up to her to decide whether she wants to join us or not; whether = czy
nie zaszkodziłoby, przydałoby się
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not go amiss
A little concern about your mother's health would not go amiss; concern = troska
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up in the air
The results of our campaign are still up in the air and it depends on the media's reaction
pozostaje pytanie, pomujając pytanie
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beg the question
So we all know what to do once we are inside. But it beg the question how do we actually get in?
zaradzić czemuś, wystarczyć, załatwic sprawę
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do the trick
I need to relax a little. I've been working like a dog recently. I'm sure a couple of days in the sun will do the trick
sam zdecyduj, sam wybierz
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take your pick
Some consider the building a work of art, others thinks it's a blot on the town's ladascape. You take your pick.; consider = uważać
w ostatniej chwili, za pięć dwunasta
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at the eleventh hour
Don't worry, he'll probably turn up at the eleventh hour, as usual; turn up = pojawić się
w nieskończoność
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until the cows come home
We can't wait for him until the cows come home
nie spieszyć się
Nie spiesz się, potrzebuję tej analizy pod koniec tygodnia.
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take one's time
The police taken their time beginning the investigation
ukrócić, przerwać, położyc kres
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pull the plug
It's time to pull the plug on the wayward style of management the company is currently exhibiting; wayward = samowolny; exhibiting = przejawiany
za późno
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late in the day
It's a bit late in the day for apologies, don't you think?
bardzo szybko, za moment
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in no time
Wait here, I'll be back in no time
od wieków, od bardzo dawna
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in donkey's years
What's been going on with you, mate? I haven't seen you in donkey's
zabrac się za coś szybko
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get cracking
You'd better get cracking if you're loking for a flat, or you'll find yourself homeless at the end of the month
przed kimś, w przyszłości
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down the road / line /track
We've managed to surmount the technical obstacles but there may still be some serious problems down the line; surmount = pokonać; obstacles = problemy
dzień w dzień
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day in day out
We've got the same customers here day in day out and we usually know what they are going to order
zamieniać się w słuch
Powiedz mi z czym masz kłopot, zamieniam się w słuch.
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be all ears
You wanted to tell me your side of the story. So, go on, I'm all ears
nazywać rzeczy po imieniu
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call a spade a spade
The governor is known for being very direct and always calling a spade a spade
powiedzieć wprost
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lay sth on the line
The best thong you can do in this situation is to lay your expectations on the line
na końcu języka
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on the tip of one's tongue
What was the new girl's name? Don't tell me, it's on the tip on my tongue
przychodzić do głowy
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spring to mind
I didn't say we had to move. It was just one of the possibilities that sprang to mind.
niezrozumiały bełkot
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double Dutch
I started reading the book you had lent me but it's all double Dutch to me.
robic cos w odwrotnej kolejnosci, przedwcześnie
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put the cart before the horse
Don't you think buying car before you pass the exam is putting the cart before the horse?
gadac jak najęty
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talk nineteen to the dozen
She kept talking nineteen to the dozen, she wouldn't listen to anyone at all
rozmawiać jak z głuchym
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talk to the deaf
Are you listening to me? I may as well be talking to the deaf for all the attention you are paying me.
nadstawic uszu
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prick one's ears up
I noticed how he pricked his ears up when he heard her name mentioned
ściany mają uszy
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walls have ears
Be careful what you say around here. Walls have ears
chińszczyzna, czarna magia dla kogoś
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all Greek to somebody
I really don't understand all this computer jargon. It's all Greek to me
owijać w bawełnę
Nie owijaj w bawełnę! Powiedz mi prawdę!
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beat about the bush
We both know what you are going to say, so stop beating about the bush and just say it
z przymrużeniem oka, nie na poważnie, zartem
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(with one's) tongue in one's cheek
Was he speaking with his tongue in his cheek when he said Sally should run for president?
przywoływać coś na myśl, coś komus mówić
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ring a bell
I'm supposed to meet her at Bob's Bar. Does the name ring any bells?
delikatnie mówiąc
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to say the least
Walter's behaviour during the lecture was unseemly to say the least; unseemly = niestosowne
ktoś trzeci, trzecia strona
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third party
I'm sorry Tanya, but we really need to solve the problem between the two of us, without a third party involved
krótko mówiąc
Krótko mówiąc, zostaliśmy wrobieni.
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put it in a nutshell
To put in a nutshell, I failed to ask her out
być chłodnym i opanowanym
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be (as) cool as a cucumber
He sat there, in front of us, as cool as a cucumber, almost as if it wasn't him we were arguing about.
zdrowy rozsądek, instynkt samozachowawczy
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horse sense
Did Jim really try to deal with those thugs by himself? Has he got no horse sense whatsoever?; thugs = łobuzy; whatsoever = cokolwiek, w ogóle
twardo stąpający po ziemi
Rose jest taką twardo stąpającą po ziemi kobietą. Jest bardzo skromna, mimo że jest gwiązdą filmową.
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down to earth
She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions
słowny człowiek
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a man of his word
I think you can trust what he says. After all he has a reputation for being a man of his word; After all = w końcu
duzo gadać (a nie działać)
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be all mouth
I wouldn't worry about Slater's threats. The guy is all mouth; threats = groźby
gadać bzdury, pleść co ślina na język przyniesie
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talk through one's hat
Ken was talking through his hat, and you know it
pies ogrodnika
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dog in the manager
Being a real dog in the manager she'll never lend us her DVD player, even though she never uses it herself; even though = mimo że, chociaż; lend sth to sbd (lent; lent) = pożyczać komuś
mieć bzika (na punkcie czegoś)
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have a bee in one's bonnet
My grandad has got a real bee in his bonnet about horse racing
to rodzinne
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it runs in the family
Brian's father was a crook and he is the same. It runs in the family; crook = oszust
osoba bojaźliwa /nie lubiąca przyciągać uwagi
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shrinking violet
I'm not worried about Kelly. She's no shrinking violet when it comes to fighting for her rights; synonim: wallflower
sztywniak, ktoś kto nie potrafi się dobrze bawić
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wet blanket
Stop being such a wet blanket. You are spoiling everyone else's fun.; synonim: killjoy; spoil = psuć
chwalić się, przechwalać
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blow one's own horn/trumpet
Not to blow my own trumpet nut to make things clear: it was me who did the most useful job.; lub: toot one’s own horn
darzyc kogoś wielkim uznaniem, bezwarunkową miłością
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think the world of somebody
Goeffrey is a lucky guy. He has doting parents and a girlfriend who thinks the world of him; doting = kochający, zaślepiony miłością
być parą, być razem
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be an item
i had no idea those two were an item, did you?
randka w ciemno
Jej znajomi umówili ją na randkę w ciemno.
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blind date
My sister's fixed me up on a blind date with one of her work colleagues tomorrow night; fix up = organizować, urządzać
podkovhiwać się w kimś, czuć do kogoś miętę
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have a crush on somebody
I think my sister has a bit of a crush on you, Jake.
mieć do kogoś słabość
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have a soft spot for somebody
She'd always had a soft spot for her younger nephew
stara miłość, dawna miłość
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old flame
Stop thinking of your old flame and focus on your girlfriend.
(być) pod pantoflem
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under the thumb
Poor old Derek, Sandy's really got him under the thumb, hasn't she?
Robi wszystko, cokolwiek ona mu rozkaże. Prawdziwy z niego pantoflarz.
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henpecked husband
Sam is doing everything his wife tells him to, he's such a hen-pecked husband.
rządzić, nosić spodnie
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wear the trousers
You are not going to let your wife tell you what to do, are you? Come on, show us who wears the trousers here!
trzymać kogoś pod kloszem
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wrap somebody (up) in cotton wool
You have to stop wrapping your daughter up in cotton wool if you don't want her to end up hurt.; end up = skończyć; end up with = zostać/skończyć z
owinąć sobie kogoś wokół palca
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twist somebody around one's little finger
w siódmym niebie, zachwycony
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on cloud nine
Grandad will be on cloud nine when he sees the book we got him for Christmas
zwijać się ze śmiechu
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be in stitches
The whole class was in stitches when Mike tried to come up with a new excuse for being late again
Byłam zadziwiona jego tupetem.
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raise (a new) eyebrows
His new military outfit raised everyone's eyebrows at the party
kierować się przeczuciem
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follow one's nose
Make your own decision. Just follow your nose.
nie zmrużyć oka
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not sleep a wink
I was so worried about Sam that I didn't sleep a wink last night
źle się czuć, czuć się chorym
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feel under the weather
I didn't go in the end as I was feeling a bit under the weather.; synonim: off-colour
smutna mina
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long face
What's with the long face? Did I say something to upset you?; to upset = zdenerwować, niepokoić
odczuwać smutek
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have the blues
czuc się nieswojo
W obecności jego matki zawsze czuję się nieswojo.
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feel ill at ease
I don't know what it is about Phil, but many people feel ill at ease in his presence; presence = obecność
doprowadzać kogoś do szału
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drive somebody up the wall
The feeling of hopelessness was driving us all up the wall.; hopelessness = bezsilność; synonimy: to drive/to snd somebody round the twist / bend
być niezadowolonym, mieć kwaśną minę
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be down in the mouth
Your mnother is looking rather down in the mouth. Is dhe not happy to see us?
być przybitym, mieć depresję, mieć chandrę, być w dołku
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be down in the dumps
I'm down in the dumps because of the weather
być wniebowziętym
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walk/float on air
She was walking on air for three weeks after she'd been given the award
na osłodę
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sugar the pill
To sugar the pill of learning new vocabulary, the teacher has proposed that the class sing a new song
nie lubić czegoś, nie być do czegoś stworzonym, nie moja bajka
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not my cup of tea
Baseball isn't my cup of tea.
spać jak kamień
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sleep like a log
Maybe she had slept like a log, but her eyes looked tired
ruszyć głową, rusz makówką (gdy chcemy powiedzieć komuś, żeby zastanowił się, co robi)
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use one's loaf
I do wish you'd just use your loaf.
odpukać (w niemalowane)
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touch wood
What is more, it might, touch wood, even be in a position to implement some of them.; synonim: to knock on wood; implement = wdrażać, wprowadzać w zycie, urzeczywistniać
często / rzadko spotykany
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thick / thin on the ground
I think you should value her more. Good teachers like her ate thin on the ground
darować sobie coś
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give something a miss
I think I'll give this party a miss. I'm too tired.
omijac prawo, kombinować
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cut corners
It seems impossible these days to run a succrssful bussiness without cutting a few corners
zgodnie z zasadami, z prawem
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by the book
So, as I told you on the phone - she's the boos and we do everything by the book
nie mieć nic do roboty
Alice nie miała nic do roboty w sobotnią noc i nikogo, z kim mogłaby iśc na imprezę.
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be at a loose end
There's always a couple of teenagers at a loose end around here
wiązać koniec z końcem
Ostatnio ledwo wiążę koniec z końcem.
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make ends meet
Is it so strange that I don't want to struggle to make ends meet all my life like my parents did?; synonim: to keep the wolf from the door; to struggle = borykać się, wysilać się, zmagać się, starać się / szarpać się, szamotać
nieodłączna część
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part and parcel
Lying on the beach and sipping drinks is part and parcel of all my holidays.; sip = łyk; to sip = sączyć, popijać, popijać małymi łykami
mieć kogoś / czegoś serdecznie dosyć
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be sick and tired of somebody / something
I'm sick and tired of you treating me like your personal errand boy.; synonim: sick / tired to death; errand boy = chłopiec na posyłki
pogodzić się, uporać z jakąś sytuacją
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come to terms with
The sooner you come to terms with what happened, and start living in the present rather than the past, the better; synonim: make the best of
robić wszystko, by uniknąć czegoś
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to fight shy of something
Before this course I'd always fought shy of technology
trzymać się od czegoś z daleka
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to stay clear of something
występować w małej ilości
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be few and far between
In his experience real friends were few and far between
spać jak dziecko
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to sleep like a baby
dwie lewe ręce
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all fingers and thumbs
Help me dress; I am all thumbs this day
skóra zdjęta z
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the spitting/very/living image of somebody
Jane is the spitting image of her sister
podobny jak kropla wody (do któregoś z rodziców)
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chip off the old block
She never tried to be a chip off the old block, which in her case would have meant making a career of being unbearably beautiful
jak dwie krople wody
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like two peas in a pod
They were like two peas in a pod, both with the same high cheekbones and widow's peak.
ubrany odświętnie, bardzo elegancko ubrany
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be dressed up to the nines
I feel like getting dressed up to the nines
dwoić się i troić, nie móc nadążyć
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rush off one's feet
We were short of staff and rushed off our feet as it was when the coffee nachine started acting up.
zabójczo ubrany (ubrany bardzo atrakcyjnie)
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be dressed to kill
When I got there they were ready and waiting, both dressed to kill.
być podobnym jak dzień do nocy, być różnym jak niebo i ziemia
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be as different as chalk and cheese
They look alike but they're as different as chalk and cheese.; look alike = wyglądać tak samo
od zera, od początku, od podstaw
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from scratch
You can start over from scratch.; start over - zaczynać na nowo
od samego początku
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from the word go/ from the outset
But the two programs ran into problems from the outset.
pracować do późnej nocy, ślęczeć po nocach
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burn the midnight oil
It was the result of burning the midnight oil for many years
gonić do roboty, stać z batem nad głową
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crack the whip
Luckily, Anna doesn't need anyone ctracking the whip for her to do her job conscientiously.; conscientiously = sumiennie, skrupulatnie
gotowe, zrealizowane na tip-top
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done and dusted
Done and dusted meant leave nothing at all behind, especially live witnesses.
dac z siebie wszystko
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give something one's best shot
She may not have succeeded this time, but at least she knows she's given her best shot
przewaga, ułatwienie
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head start
You've obviously got a head stard over the other applicants due to your wide experience in the field
głowy polecą
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heads will roll
Heads will roll when the boss comes back from holiday and finds out we haven't realised the concract
wyrzucić z pracy
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to get the sack
I got sacked last month, so I don't have much money.
"zakasać rękawy, zakasywać rękawy
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"roll up your sleeves, roll up your sleeves
to prepare for hard work"
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roll up one's sleeves
I therefore hope that we will all roll up our sleeves and start to actually do something very soon.
mieć resztki sił, ledwo się trzymać, być blisko popsucia się, mieć swoje lata (o przedmiotach)
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be on one's last legs
He's barely holding on, let's take him to the hospital.
cała naprzód, pełną parą
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full steam ahead
After we got the boss's approval, we were ready to go full steam ahead with the project
wziąć się do roboty, wziąć się w garść
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pull one's socks up
You need to pull your socks up if you want to get a promotion.
być zawalonym czymś
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snowed under with something
I'm absolutely snowed under with work at the moment.
być po uszy w czymś
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be up to one's ears in something
I'm up to my ears in work. She's up to her ears in debt.
mieć ręce pełne roboty
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to have one's hands full
I'd love to help but I've got my hands full organizing the school play.
zacząć żyć, zmieniać styl życia
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get a life
So find someone you can love and get a life
wyglądać tak samo
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look alike
She's a Marilyn Monroe look-alike
zaczynac na nowo
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start over
We decided to abandon the first draft of the report and start over.
skończyc pracę na dziś
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call it a day
I'm getting a bit tired now - let's call it a day
włazić (bez pukania)
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to barge in
I wish he'd knock instead of just barging in
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to demand
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instead of
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to admit
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to contain
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to consider (doing)
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a target
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to assure
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to achieve
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piece, chunk
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to expect (to do)
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a few
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to have
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a lot
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pociągać za sobą
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Ta gazeta jest nieco stronnicza. Lepiej piszą o rządzie niż o opozycji.
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The newspaper is a bit biased. They write more positively about the government than the opposition.

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