idsioms about appearance

 0    20 schede    basiahofman
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Domanda Risposta
cry baby
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person who is always complaining
cut a dash
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popisać się
deck out
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wystroic kogos
dressed to kill
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ubrana pociagajaco
dressed up to the nines
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ubrany zjawiskowo
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down at heel
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ubrany niechlujnie
face like a bulldog chewing a wasp
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face only a mother could love
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face that would stop a clock
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five o'clock shadow
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not a hair out of place
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look a sight
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look like a million dollars
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wygląda jak milion dolarów
mutton dressed as lamb
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50latka ubrana jak 18latka
pretty as a picture
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ładny jak obrazek
all skin and bones
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thin on the top
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as ugly as sin
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unattractive can be things
vertically challenged
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