I'm Finally divorcing my husband 2

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Domanda English Risposta English
Chiefly U.S. a student or recent graduate receiving practical training in a working environment.
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he was an intern on a local radio station.
Something that brings or holds people together; tie: a ____ of friendship.
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our bond was so strong that none of these things mattered
easily taken in or tricked.
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how could I have been so gullible
to compensate (a person or thing) excessively. Pol. kompensować poczucie niższości, nadrabiać (w sposób przesadny).
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And so I overcompensated.
Voluntary sexual intercourse outside marriage. Law. voluntary sexual intercourse between two persons of the opposite sex, where one is or both are unmarried. Pol. códzołóstwo (wszeteczeństwo).
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To indulge in or commit fornication.
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not knowing he would repay me by fornicating his way across the subcontinent.
Dirty, cheap and not socially acceptable, esp. relating to moral or sexual matters. Pol. brudny moralnie, ciemny, plugawy.
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I thought he was different, not just another sleazy, lecherous man who didn't, let's face it, deserve me.
Unrestrained and promiscuous sexuality. Pol. lubieżność.
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just another sleazy, lecherous man
To talk flirtatiously to (a person of the opposite sex), esp. with the intention of seducing him or her.
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chat up
he had tried to seduce her with the chat-up line
A paper tube with small toys, sweets, a paper hat and a joke inside which is covered with bright paper and which makes a short sharp sound when both ends are pulled.
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he had tried to seduce her with the chat-up line: 'Will you be my Christmas cracker?'
To blind or be blinded partially and temporarily by sudden excessive light. To amaze, as with brilliance:
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a man who at first is dazzled by your attention
To play upon or gratify the vanity of (a person). To make (someone) feel or appear important, attractive or pleased, esp. by praising them.
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a man who at first is dazzled and flattered by your attention
a man who lives in a city and who spends a lot of time and money on his clothes and appearance.
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New men, metrosexual men, men who are in touch with their feelings
(of a man) to flirt with women.
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He has blamed his philandering on the fact that he felt emasculated by what I wrote in my column
Skilled in deception; shrewd; cunning.
Pol. chytry, przebiegły...
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a crafty way to saddle him with guilt.
To burden; charge.
Pol. obciążyć
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a crafty way to saddle him with guilt
To expel (a tenant) from property by process of law; turn out.
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his parents were moved or evicted from house after house
To raise in value, importance, esteem, etc
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I secretly upgraded the diamond earrings he bought me at Christmas
A petty sin or trifling fault;
Pol. grzeszek
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,I wrote a weekly column picking apart his every peccadillo
Brit. a unit of weight, used esp. to express human body weight, equal to pounds or 6.350 kilograms.
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he had put on four stone
To remove the testicles of; castrate;
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he felt emasculated by what I wrote in my column
A highly distinguished female singer; prima donna.
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he felt emasculated by what I wrote in my column

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