In an interview - Na razgovoru za posao

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Domanda Risposta
I'm really impressed by your products.
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Zbilja sam oduševljen važim proizvodima.
I think I have the profile you are looking for.
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Mislim da imam profil kojeg tražite.
Could you please say that again?
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Možete li, molim Vas, reći to ponovno?
Thank you for the opportunity.
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Hvala Vam za priliku.
Could you please tell me what are the company's benefits?
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Možeš li mi, molim te, reći koje su benefiti tvrtke.
I've always been interested in working in your company.
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Oduvijek sam zainteresiran za rad u vašoj tvrtki.
I really liked the profile of the job.
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Zbilja i se sviša profil posla.
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