In der Stadt

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Domanda Risposta
the city, the cities
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die Stadt, die Städte
the capital, the capitals
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die Hauptstadt, die Hauptstädte
the building, the buildings
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das Gebäude, die Gebäuden
City Hall, the city halls
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das Rathaus, die Rathäuser
the hospital, the hospitals
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das Krankenhaus, die Krankenhäuser
the market, the markets
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der Markt, die Märkte
the port, the ports
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der Hafen, die Häfen
the airport, the Airports
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der Flughafen, die Flughäfen
the plane, the planes
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das Flugzeug, die Flugzeuge
the plane, the planes
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der Flieger, die Flieger
the ship, the ships
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das Schiff, die Schiffe
the train station, the train stations
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der Bahnhof, die Bahnhöfe
the main station, the main stations
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der Hauptbahnhof, die Hauptbanhöfe
the train, trains
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der Zug, die Züge
the train, the trains
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die Bahn, die Bahnen
the German train company
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die Deutsche Bahn
the bus, the buses
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der Bus, die Busse
the subway, the subways
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die U-Bahn, die U-bahnen
the tram, the trams
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die Straßenbahn, die Straßenbahnen
fast city train
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die S-Bahn, die S-Bahnen
the electro bus, the electro buses
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der Omnibus, die Omnibusse
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der Straßenverkehr
the public transport
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der Öffentliche Verkehr
the church, the churches
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die Kirche, die Kirchen
the Cathedral, the Dome
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der Dom, die Dome
the minster, the minsters
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der Münster, die Münster
the department store, the department stores
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das Kaufhaus, die Kaufhäuser
school, schools
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die Schule, die Schulen
the university, the universities
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die Universität, die Universitäten
the kindergarten, kindergartens
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der Kindergarten, die Kindergärten
the fish, the fish
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der Fisch, die Fische
every year, every year
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jahrlich, jedes Jahr
the tower, the towers
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der Turm, die Türme
the terminal, the terminal
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der Terminal, die Terminal
the step, the steps
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die Stufe, die Stufen
the Elbe, the Danube, the Rhine
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die Elbe, die Donau, der Rhein
the river, the rivers
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der Fluss, die Flusse
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High Low
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hoch, niedrig
wide, tight
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breit, eng
big, small
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groß, klein
long short
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lang, kurz
old New
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alt neu
old young
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alt jung
the bridge, the bridges
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die Brüke, die Brüken
the symbol, the symbols
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das Symbol, die Symbole
the symbol, landmark
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das Wahrzeichen
places called
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Orte nennt
the bus is gone
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der Bus ist weg
the stairs, the stairs
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die Treppe, die Treppen
on foot
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zu Fuß
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happiness, luck
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das Glück
You have to go straight all the time.
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Du musst die ganze Zeit geradeaus gehen.
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the way, the ways
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der Weg, die Wege
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the lucky man
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der Glückpilz
To be lucky, to be unlucky
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Glück haben, Pech haben
the bicycles, bicycles
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das Fahrrad, die Fahrräder
the bathroom, the baths
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das Bad, die Bäder
the yard, the courtyards
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der Hof, die Höfe
the example, the examples
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das Beispiel, die Beispiele
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the color, the colors
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die Farbe, die Farben
His article is really interesting.
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Sein Artikel ist wirklich interessant.
there, here
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dort, hier
there, here
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dort, hier
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equal, same
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the arrow, the arrows
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der Pfeil, die Pfeile
the bracket, the brackets
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die Klammer, die Klammern
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the actress, the actresses
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die Schauspielerin, die Schauspielerinnen
The film was very funny.
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Der Film war sehr lustig.
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advise, guess
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the note, the notes
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der Zettel, die Zettels
the target
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das Ziel, die Ziele
Declarative sentence
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the next
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der/die Nächste, die Nächsten
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roll the dice
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back, again
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It's easy
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Da ist einfach
the festival, the festivals
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das Festival, die Festivals
the star, the starlings
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der Star, die Stare
the concert, the concerts
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das Concert, die Concerte
the film, Movies
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der Film, die Filme
the motto, the mottos
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das Motto, die Mottos
the metropolis, the metropolises
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die Metropole, die Metropolen
the passenger, the passengers
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der Passagier, die Passagiere

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