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(adj) ~slippry
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(adj) ~slippry
równia pochyła
(id) a bad situation that is likely to get worse
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slippery slope
(id) a bad situation that is likely to get worse
gruntowny, skrupulatny
(adj) careful and covering every detail
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(adj) careful and covering every detail
The government has promised a thorough investigation of the matter.
(n) a piece of plastic, metal, etc that you wear on your clothes showing your name or the organization you work for
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(n) a piece of plastic, metal, etc that you wear on your clothes showing your name or the organization you work for
błyskawiczny (o działaniu), natychmiastowy (o odpowiedzi)
(adj) happening or moving quickly
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(adj) happening or moving quickly
a swift response
wziąć się w garść
(id) to make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly
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get a grip (on yourself)
(id) to make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly
wąskie gardło
(n) something that causes a process to happen more slowly than it should
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(n) something that causes a process to happen more slowly than it should
dojrzały (owoc, zboże, ser)
(adj) developed enough and ready to be eaten
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(adj) developed enough and ready to be eaten
ripe bananas
od tej pory
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since then
I have not talked with her parents since then. Since then, little progress has been made in this field
dowiedzieć się (o czymś)
(pv) ~learn - to get information about something, or to learn a fact for the first time
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find sth out
(pv) ~learn - to get information about something, or to learn a fact for the first time
I must find out the train times. [+ question word ] Peter was shocked when he found out what we had done.
dowiedzieć się (o czymś)
(v) ~find sth out
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(v) ~find sth out
(v) to make someone upset or angry
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(v) to make someone upset or angry
[often passive ] I was deeply offended by her comments.
obrażać, znieważać
(v) to say or do something to someone that is rude and offensive
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(v) to say or do something to someone that is rude and offensive
How dare you insult me in front of my friends!
uczyć się na pamięć
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learn by heart
pulower (bluza, sweter)
(n) a warm piece of clothing that covers the top of your body and is pulled on over your head
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(n) a warm piece of clothing that covers the top of your body and is pulled on over your head
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sweater, jumper
(n) a piece of clothing that covers the top part of the body and has a tube-like part covering the neck
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polo neck
(n) a piece of clothing that covers the top part of the body and has a tube-like part covering the neck
utrata, strata
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smutny, przygnębiony, nieszczęśliwy (o osobie)
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(adj) very strange and surprising
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(adj) very strange and surprising
bizarre behaviour
od tej pory
always since that time
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ever since
always since that time
We met at school and have been friends ever since.
(n) a piece of work or job that you are given to do
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(n) a piece of work or job that you are given to do
a written assignment. He's on assignment in Brazil.
rok przerwy (po maturze)
a year between leaving school and starting university that you usually spend travelling or working
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gap year
a year between leaving school and starting university that you usually spend travelling or working
szkoła zawodowa
(n) a school where students learn skills that involve working with their hands:
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trade school
(n) a school where students learn skills that involve working with their hands:
At trade school, he learned to be an auto mechanic.
WF (wychowanie fizyczne)
classes at school in which children do exercise and learn to play sport, or the area of study relating to such classes
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PE (physical education)
classes at school in which children do exercise and learn to play sport, or the area of study relating to such classes
a place where babies and young children are looked after without their parents
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a place where babies and young children are looked after without their parents
absolwent uniwersytetu
(n) someone who has studied for and received a degree from a university
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(n) someone who has studied for and received a degree from a university
kolega ze szkoły
(n) a friend who is at the same school as you at the same time
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(n) a friend who is at the same school as you at the same time
zobowiązać, zobowiązywać
(v) to make someone feel morally or legally forced to do something:
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(v) to make someone feel morally or legally forced to do something:
zapisywać się (na kurs, do szkoły)
(v) to become or make someone become an official member of a course, college, or group
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(v) to become or make someone become an official member of a course, college, or group
I've enrolled on a creative writing course.
program wymiany (studentów)
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exchange programme
(n) a place where you live or stay
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(n) a place where you live or stay
rented accommodation The price includes travel and accommodation.
obowiązkowy, przymusowy
(adj ~mandatory, obligatory) If something is ........, you must do it because of a rule or law.
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(adj) If something is compulsory, you must do it because of a rule or law.
uczęszczać na, być obecnym
(v) to go to an event
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(v) to go to an event
to attend a concert/meeting
(n) one of the periods of time that the school or university year is divided into
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term, semester
(n) one of the periods of time that the school or university year is divided into
We've got a test at the end of term.

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