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Domanda English Risposta English
what do you need?
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please let us know your requirements
thanks for the email of 12 February
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thank you for your email received 12 February
sorry, I can't make it
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i am afraid I will not be able to make it
I’m sorry to tell you that
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we regret to advise you that
I promise
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I can assure you that
could you?
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I was wondering if you could
you haven’t
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we note from our records that you have not
don’t forget
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we would like to remind you that...
i need to
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it is necessary for me to
shall I...?
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would you like me to
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however.../In addition.../therefore
please could you...
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I would be grateful if you could
I’m sorry for
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please accept our apologies for
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with regard to.../ with reference to
see you next week
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I look forward to meeting you next week.
just a short note to let you know that
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we are writing to inform you that
good news
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you will be pleased to hear that
we can confirm that
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we are able to confirm that
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we regret to inform you that
can you...?
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I would appreciate it if you could...
do you want me to?
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would you like me to...?
shall I?
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If you wish, I would be happy to...
I’ll get back to you
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I will contact you again
If there’s anything else, just let us know
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Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information...
best wishes/regards
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yours sincerely / yours faithfully
If there’s anything else, just let us know
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please feel free to contact us...
can you see to it?
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I would be grateful if you could give this matter your immediate attention
I will get onto it straight away
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we will be investigating this issue
keep me posted
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please could you keep me informed
sorry to be a nuisance
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please accept our sincere apologies for

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