jack ryan - s01e01

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Domanda Risposta
uda sie cos zrobic (phrasal verb)
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get in
znalezc odpowiedz (phrasal verb)
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work out
rozwiazac (problem) phrasal
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work out
boczny tor - przenosnie
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backwater post
bronic czyichs interesow, wspierac kogos
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go to bat for sb
g oing in one direction around the table, let each person at the table give his/her opinion, one after the other.
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go around the table
szacunek, honor
Ona jest otaczana szacunkiem.
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She is treated with reverence.
kto moglby przypusczac, ze sie to stanie? kolokwialnie
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who would have thunk it?
ciasto z owocami
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wyć, zawodzić
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to connect somebody by phone (phrasal)
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put sb through to sb
to contact or find somebody (phrasal)
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get hold of sb
(idiomatic) To give up on something in order to pursue something else.
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cut bait
osiągnąć, wykonać
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pull off
(idiomatic) To let someone go from something, such as a position, relationship, or obligation.
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cut sb loose
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zaniżać cene
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