Jobs in Russian

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бортпроводник (м. р.)

Professions in Russian

Study the basic vocabulary in Russian and start with Professions! Do you know the spelling of Professions in Russian too? You will get the answer in our lesson Professions in Russian and learn other flashcardsin Russian! You will also have an opportunity to master your Russian pronunciation with audio recordings of the Russian words! The beauty of language learning is that you never know when you will need the word or phrase that you just learned! Learn Professions in Russian and never forget it again!

Why should I learn Russian?

It is scientifically proven that studying a foreign language makes you smarter! Apparently, it activates areas responsible for memory in your brain! What's more speaking Russian will allow you to travel more freely, get to know new people and have a new entry in your CV! If the reasons above are not enough for you to start studying Russian, think of it as a challenge. Whenever you learn a foreign language, you activate the area in your brain responsible for remembering.

How to learn Russian efficiently

VocApp's tool makes everything simple: you see a picture of the word, together with a Russian translation, and remember it! Then, you hear the Russian pronunciation of the word and voilà your Russian language vocabulary starts growing. Just 5 minutes a day is enough to remember Professions in Russian for good!

Learn Russian fast and efficiently!

VocApp will not only show you how Professions are written in Russian, but also teach you how to pronounce a given word in Russian. Also, you may want to try our dictionary-based flashcards creating tool. Start creating your own lists of flashcards and see how easy, fun and efficient it is. Whenever you will need to check a word, you will be able to add it to a lesson. Besides, you will see suggestions of similar words that you can add to your lesson with only one click!

Other lessons in Russian for you

Remember to take a look to other courses in Russian and find out our many other courses about Russian too. You should get started with Professions in Russian right away!

Study common Russian on the go and achieve systematic learning.

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