Justinian ...2

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Domanda English Risposta English
an ornamental rod that a king or queen carries on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of his or her power
Pol. berło
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The Emperor died and his sceptre passed to Justinus
to acclaim or acknowledge sb
Pol. okrzyknąć kogoś (czymś/kimś), x4
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hail sb as sth
they hailed him as most worthy to succeed the good old man.
to choose someone or something for a particular job or purpose
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he never designated them as his heirs
the person who has the legal right to receive the property or title of another person when they die
spadkobierca, następca
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he never designated them as his heirs
Pol. następca tronu
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heir to the throne
someone who had your job before you started doing it
Pol. poprzednik
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Justinus was well advanced in years, as all his three predecessors
Pol. wstąpić na tron
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mount the throne
they mounted the throne.
If you _____ you become an officer after starting as an ordinary soldier
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rise from the ranks
He had risen from the ranks,
Sb lacking good taste, manners, upbringing, and education
niewykształcony, o niskim poziomie kultury
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He was a rough uncultured soldier
Sb or sth that is _____ is important, worth mentioning, or well-known
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of note
His reign was of little note in history
a more formal word for dead
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the son of his deceased brother
to care for and educate (children) until maturity, bring up, raise
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he had been reared as the heir of a wealthy house
from the beginning, from the start, from the outset
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from the first
He showed from the first a keen intelligence
Pol. przykładać się do czegoś
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apply yourself to sth
he applied himself with zeal to everything
great enthusiasm, as in working for a cause
Pol. gorliwość, zapał, żarliwość
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he applied himself with zeal to almost every department of civil life
an associate
Pol. wspólnik, towarzysz
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he finally made him his colleague on the throne
appointed, but not yet in office
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Justinian was heir designate to the empire
of a settled, sedate, and steady character
Pol. stateczny
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he was a staid personage.
to the extreme, exceedingly
Pol. nadzwyczaj, wyjątkowo
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he was an eminently practical personage
to shock or outrage the moral feelings of; offend by some improper or unconventional conduct; shock
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no one ever expected him to scandalize the empire by a sensational marriage.
a person who spreads or enjoys scandal, gossip, etc.
Pol. łowca sensacji
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to the joy of all scandalmongers,
to marry a woman is to
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take her to wife
he had declared his intention of taking to wife the dancer

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