Kasia 15th June (45 min)

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Nie ma za co przepraszać.
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No need to apologise.
off the top of your head
Off the top of my head, I would say she is 55
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I've got a huge backlog of work to do.
Czy byłaś już tam?
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Have you been there yet?
Czy daleko jeszcze?
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Are we there yet?
Ona przestawiła się na polski.
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She switched TO Polish.
W jakim języku on do niej mówi?
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What language DOES he speak to her?
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oftentimes / often
na całe życie
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for life
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po takiej długiej przerwie
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after SUCH a long break
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nie do takiego stopnia
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not to such an extent
na imprezie
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AT a party
Niektórzy ludzie są często przyklejeni do ekranów.
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Some people are often glued to their screens.
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a proposal
Pojedźmy na żagle.
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Let's go sailing.
Pójdźmy na kręgle.
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Let's go bowling.
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a device
To może się przydać.
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It might come in handy.
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You can eat whatever you want as long as it's in moderation.

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