Kasia 9th June (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
Mam chrypę.
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I have a frog in my throat.
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I’m feeling a bit edgy about the exam tomorrow.
She's been very edgy lately.
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an edge
Ta sytuacja nie potrwa zbyt długo.
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This situation won't last for too long.
Ona ma prawie 70 lat.
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She's in her late sixties.
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ona nie jest tak aktywna, jak była kiedyś
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she's not as active as she used to be
zwierzę w klatce
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an animal in a cage
na podstawie mojego doświadczenia
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based on my experience
dusić coś w sobie, tłumić coś
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to bottle sth up
Try not to bottle up your emotions.
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a slave
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a servant
Ona chodzi do kościoła prawie codziennie.
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She goes to church almost every day.
msza (w kościele)
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a service / a mass
w uporządkowany sposób
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in an orderly fashion / in an orderly manner / in an orderly way
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to detest / to loathe
They loathe each other.
He detests ironing.
wydawać pieniądze na coś
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to spend money ON sth
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a scientist
być świadomym czegoś
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to be aware OF sth
Do NOT say: to be aware ABOUT sth
Nie mogę tego zrozumieć.
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I can't comprehend it.

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