KB_2 June 2021

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Domanda Risposta
an employee
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between 4 and 6am
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między 4 a 6 rano
learn new procedures
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poznać nowe procedury
break the regulations
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złamać przepisy
main points
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Najważniejsze punkty
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explain some aspects
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wyjaśnić niektóre aspekty
My job doesn't require...
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Moja praca nie wymaga...
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a business trip
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podróż służbowa
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a lot of food
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dużo jedzenia
He said that he was angry.
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Powiedział, że jest zły.
What time did you come back home last night?
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O której wczoraj wróciłaś do domu?
If I remember correctly,...
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Jeżeli dobrze pamiętam,...
I came back at midnight.
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Wróciłam o północy.
do shopping
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robić zakupy
We did shopping yesterday.
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Robiliśmy wczoraj zakupy.
They paid in euro.
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Płacili w euro.
I got his email last week.
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Dostałam jego e-mail w zeszłym tygodniu.
What a shame!
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Jaka szkoda!
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a shelf
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I thought about it last time.
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Myślałam o tym ostatnim razem.
He sent me all necessary information.
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Wysłał mi wszystkie niezbędne informacje.
She took all the money.
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Ona zabrała wszystkie pieniądze.
I forgot to tell you about it.
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Zapomniałem ci o tym powiedzieć.
get on the bus
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wsiąść do autobusu
get off the bus
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wysiąść z autobusu

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