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deptać po piętach nagabywać
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Keep after
The police kept after the escaped prisoners until they caught them
Trzymać się zdala od
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Keep away (from)
She had to be kept away from school as she had measles
Ukrywać zataić powstrzymywać łzy
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Keep back
how did she manage to keep back her true feelings?
utrzymać na niskim poziomie ograniczyć
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keep down
The government is trying to keep prices down
Trzymać kogoś coś w środku w więzieniu szkole szpitalu
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Keep in
The teacher kept us in for misbehaving in class
Trzymać się zdala unikać czegoś
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Keep off
keep off the benches. the paint is wet
Kontynuować i robić coś nadal pomimo trudności
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Keep on
although he failed his test, he kept on studying, and retook it in May
Nie wpuszczać kogoś czegoś
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Keep out
He locked the gate to keep out unwanted visitors
Dotrzymać kroku utrzymać ten sam poziom
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keep up (with)
despite being ill, he kept up with his work and passed the exam
Być na bieżąco
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Keep up with
he reads a newspaper every day to keep up with the news

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