Key nouns

 0    36 schede    karolpawlowski3
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on the subject of
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na temat
the theme of the poem
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temat wiersza
a list of essay topics
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lista tematów esejów
the issue of global warming"
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problem globalnego ocieplenia ”
political theory
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teoria polityczna
theory of evolution
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teoria ewolucji
The model of climate change
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Model zmian klimatycznych
The nature of sth
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Natura czegoś
the principle of human behaviour
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zasada ludzkiego zachowania
aspect of something
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aspekt czegoś
feature of sth
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cecha czegoś
beyond the scope of
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poza zakresem
revealed a pattern of results
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ujawnił wzór wyników
number of people
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Liczba ludzi
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The case for change
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Argument za zmianą
I have a positive approach to life.
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Mam pozytywne podejście do życia.
perspectives on
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perspektywy na
awareness of sth
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świadomość czegoś
Views on
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Poglądy na
research into sth
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badania nad czymś
research studies
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badania naukowe
pieces of research
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fragmenty badań
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przypis dolny
on the basis of something
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na podstawie/przykładzie czegoś
It makes a strong case for
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To mocne argumenty za
to an alarming degree
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w alarmującym stopniu
raising awareness of the issue.
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podnoszenie świadomości problemu.
regular pattern of changes in temperature.
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regularny wzór zmian temperatury.
The research focus on one particular aspect.
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Badania koncentrują się na jednym konkretnym aspekcie.
He makes a powerfull case for sth
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Robi potężne argumenty za czymś
an original approach to
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oryginalne podejście do
broaden the scope of research
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poszerzyć zakres badań
Issues facing the world
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Problemy, przed którymi stoi świat

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