kgiua 11장 수업5 마저

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1. labyrinth, maze
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1. survivor
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1. incident, affair, event; (범죄) case; (사고) accident
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1. die2. breathe one´s last breath
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숨을 거두다
1.(곡식·열매 등을) harvest, gather (in)2.(세금·회비 등을) collect, gather; (강제적으로) (formal) exact (=걷다)3.(결과·성과 등을) achieve, gain
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1. (actual/real) state
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현지 실정에 밝다 know well the real state of things in the locale 이 제도는 한국 실정에 맞지 않다 This system is not appropriate for Korean society. 우리 실정에 맞는 교육제도가 필요하다 An education system that best suits our society is needed.
1. [동사] mobilize; (사람을) rally, call (out), bring
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현지 실정에 밝다 know well the real state of things in the locale 이 제도는 한국 실정에 맞지 않다 This system is not appropriate for Korean society. 우리 실정에 맞는 교육제도가 필요하다 An education system that best suits our society is needed.
1. civil war
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1. (public) holiday, (Am) legal[national] holiday, (Brit) bank holiday
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공휴일이 일요일과 겹친다 The national holiday falls on Sunday
1. generally2. in general
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Noun 1. misfortune on top of misfortunes
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곤란하거나 불행한 일이 잇따라 일어남. A difficulty or suffering occurring one after another.
1. face, encounter2. punish, sentence
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1. (형편·처지 등에) face, encounter 위기에 처하다 be in danger[crisis] 위기에 처하다 be endangered 예상치 못한 어려움에 처하다 be faced with an unexpected difficulty2. (처벌하다) punish; (형을 선고하다) sentence 사형에 처하다 put[condemn; sentence] sb to death 엄벌에 처하다 punish sb severely 엄벌에 처하다
1. (계속하여) consecutively, continuously, in succession
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연사흘 동안 for three consecutive days 연사흘 동안 three days in succession[in a row, in running]
1. complexion
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안색이 좋다 look fine[well] 안색이 나쁘다 look bad[ill] 그는 이야기를 하면서 계속 나의 안색을 살폈다 As he was talking to me, he kept on checking my face. 그 말을 듣자 그의 안색이 확 바뀌었다 When he heard that, the expression on his face completely changed.
1. get[fall] sick[ill], be taken ill, get diseased, lose one's health, be sick[ill]
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병들기 쉬운 sickly 병들기 쉬운 liable to illness[a disease] 병들어 눕다 lie on a sickbed 병들어 눕다 be ill in bed
1. be swindled[conned; scammed]
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사기를 당하다
1. property, wealth, possessions, asset, fortune2. asset
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1. lose property
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재산을 날리다
Verb 1. do business together
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1. (정부의) public[government] money[funds]; (회사의) company funds
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공금을 유용하다 misappropriate[misuse] government[public] funds 공금을 착복[횡령]하다 embezzle[(mis)appropriate; pocket] government[public] money[funds]
1. nighttime getaway[escape], run away under the cover of darkness, (Brit) do a moonlight (flit)
그들은 집세도 내지 않고 야반도주했다 They did a moonlight flit, leaving the rent unpaid.
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그는 야반도주나 다름없이 서울을 떠났다 He departed Seoul as if he was running away under the cover of darkness. 그는 빚쟁이들 등쌀에 결국 야반도주할 수밖에 없었다 Hounded by creditors, he had no choice but to run away under cover of the night.
To go bankrupt(company)
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부도가 나다
(people declaring) bankruptcy
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1. cross, pass2. fall
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1. 퇴거하다 evacuate
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집을 비우다
1. the last[youngest] daughter
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1. will, desire, drive
그는 의욕만 앞서다 일을 그르친 경험이 있다 He has an experience of messing things up by being overzealous.
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그는 매사에 의욕이 넘친다 He is full of drive in everything he does. 그는 업무 의욕을 상실한 것 같다 He seems to have lost all his drive to work. 그녀는 이혼 후 삶에 대한 의욕을 잃었다 She lost the will to live after the divorce.
1. opening ceremony
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I have mixed feelings about having retired
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퇴직을 하니 시원섭섭하다
1. [명사] farewell, parting, [동사] part (from)
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이별을 고하다 say goodbye (to) 이별을 고하다 say[bid] farewell (to) 그들은 이별 후 다시 보지 못했다 They didn't see each other again after they parted. 그는 그녀에게 이승에서의 이별을 고했다 He bade her the last farewell in this world[life]
give one's daughter away in marriage
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딸을 시집보내다
an adverb that modifies verbs meaning 비다(empty) or that describes the sound of hitting an empty metal drum something like that.
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1. (공간이) empty2. (마음이) empty3. (속이) empty
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1가구가 없어서 방이 허전해 보인다 The room looks empty without furniture. 2그는 한잔 술로 허전한 마음을 달랬다 He filled his empty heart with a drink. 3저녁을 안 먹었더니 속이 허전하다 Because I didn't eat[have] dinner and my stomach feels empty.
1. (단체에 속한 사람) member
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합창단원 a choir member 합창단원 a member of the chorus 그 무용단은 신입 단원을 모집하고 있다 That dance company is recruiting new members.
1. barren, infertile, sterile2. poor
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그 나무는 척박한 땅에서도 잘 자란다 The trees grow well even in barren[sterile] soil. 이 지역은 토양이 너무 척박해서 농사를 지을 수 없다 The soil[land] in this region is too barren[infertile; sterile] for farming.
1. [명사] comeback, [동사] make[stage] a comeback
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그는 재기를 노렸다 He attempted to make a comeback. 그 선수는 재기에 성공했다 The player made a successful comeback. 그는 이번 승리로 재기의 발판을 마련했다 This victory paved the way for his comeback.

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