kgiua 12장 수업2 기 일쑤이다

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1. meticulous, precise, detailed
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그녀는 성격이 꼼꼼하다 She's very meticulous. 그녀는 성격이 꼼꼼하다 She's a very meticulous person. 나는 그의 꼼꼼한 일 처리가 마음에 든다 I like his meticulous work. 나는 그의 꼼꼼한 일 처리가 마음에 든다 I like the fact that his work is very meticulous.
1. calm, poised, composed, cool, self-possessed
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침착하게 행동하다 act calmly 침착하게 행동하다 act with poise 침착하게 행동하다 act with composure 그의 침착한 행동이 그 아이의 생명을 구했다 His calm behavior saved the child's life. 그는 침착함을 잃지 않았다 He remained[stayed; kept] calm. 그는 침착함을 잃지 않았다 He didn't lose his poise
1. dangle2. jangle3. be careless
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to leave somethings to somewhere, i forget that thing, but i just remembered that thing
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놓고 오다
1. skip breakfast
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아침을 거르다
1. foundation, establishment, founding, (formal) inception, found, establish, start, set up
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그 회사는 창업 1년 만에 부도가 났다 The company went bankrupt within one year of its founding. 그는 취직 대신 창업을 고려하고 있다 He's thinking about starting a business instead of trying to find a job.
1. initial difficulties
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창업의 어려움
Verb 1. manage; operate; run
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가게를 운영하다. 기업을 운영하다. 식당을 운영하다. 학원을 운영하다. 회사를 운영하다.
1. be careless, be clumsy
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1. dissatisfaction, discontent(ment), complaint; (부당한 취급에 대한) grievance
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불만을 품다 have complaints 불만을 품다 be discontented 지역 주민들의 불만이 크다 There is great discontent among the local residents.
1. (가끔) sometimes, occasionally, (every) now and then, (every) once in a while, from time to time; (자주) often, frequently
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1. another's affair; other people's affairs [business, concern].
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남의 일
1. break, smash, shatter, crack2. spoil, disturb, break
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